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Dumper for memory and data of HL_CODE() HardLock algorithm [ 25-May-2006 12:58 ]

Here's a new version - several versions were released for internal use only and were not published, but now you can download it and put it to any use. In this version there are several bugs fixed, it also allows for dumping of absolutely all data from a dongle, including the data needed for emulation of HardLock HL_CODE(), HL_CRYPT() secret functions.

                Aladdin's HardLock E-Y-E
      Memory/Algorithm Data Dumper (HL-DUMP) v2.1
          Supported local and network devices
            LPT, USB, ISA/PCI-board HardLock
             Luna ASIC and Flora ASIC chips
           (c) 2003-06, Sp0Raw, nikita@work
              Remote Access Network, Inc.
            Full source code included [C++]

Having got hold of that archive, you have become the happy owner of memory dumper and algorithm data for emulation HL_CODE(), HL_CRYPT() functions for HardLock dongles (LPT, USB and ISA/PCI-boards) producing by Aladdin company.

Dumper posesses the following functions:
(o)Works with any types of HardLock dongles:
 [*]by the plug method:
  - local device;
  - network device.
 [*]by the interface type:
  - LPT-dongle;
  - USB-dongle;
  - ISA/PCI-board dongle.
 [*]by chip type:
  - Luna ASIC;
  - Flora ASIC.
Dongle access password (Module Adress or MODAD) bruteforcing by the user defined range (this function works with local HardLock dongles only as dongle access password bruteforcing through the network demands plenty of time, that it comes nothing);
Dongle's memory dumping by known MODAD (finded or received from the user);
Full dumping of algorithm's data, need fo emulation HardLock secret functions HL_CODE(), HL_CRYPT().

Main features of this dumper:

You can download this program here (download).

First public release of HardLock memory dumper [ 12-Feb-2003 02:30 ]

Here's the first public release.

 Aladdin's HardLock E-Y-E Memory Dumper (HL-DUMP) v1.4
          Supported local and network devices
     (c) 2003, Sp0Raw, Remote Access Network, Inc.
            Full source code included [C++]

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