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Passwords of known HASP dongles (dumps/software list) [ 12-Apr-2004 21:58 / 01-Jan-2011 05:10 ]

Below is a table of known passwords (Password1:Password2) for HASP (HASP3, HASP4), HASP HL and HASP SRM dongles to corresponding software. If you have your own dumps or any other information (including info about passwords for keys to specific software), send them in to add to the collection.

In order to dump (retrieve) information from your HASP (HASP3, HASP4), HASP HL or HASP SRM dongle, please get in touch with me.

To search passwords or software in the list, please use "Ctrl + F" keys combination.

Each one of this HASP dongles dumps can be used with HASP dongle emulator.

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Pages with applications:   [ A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Native | Noname ]   [ Full List ]
(Select the first char of the application name)

Passwords Pages: [ 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | F ]   [ Passwords Full List ]
(Select the first char of the Password)

Passwords (Hex) Passwords (Dec) Application Description Request
0000:0000 0:0 I/NET Seven © Tour Andover Controls (TAC) Order HASP Emulator
FFFF:FF29 65535:65321 ICAP Order HASP Emulator
5185:4903 20869:18691 Icarus Order HASP Emulator
425B:7C26 16987:31782 Icarus Order HASP Emulator
FFFF:FF9B 65535:65435 Iceflow © n-Code Order HASP Emulator
FFFF:FF2A 65535:65322 IDEA v2004 Order HASP Emulator
1285:3DE9 4741:15849 IDECAD Order HASP Emulator
0308:33F4 776:13300 IDL Order HASP Emulator
4AD8:6BBD 19160:27581 IDL v5.2 Order HASP Emulator
FFFF:FF2B 65535:65323 ImagePro Order HASP Emulator
00E7:066C 231:1644 Image-Pro Plus v4.0 © Media Cybernetics Order HASP Emulator
77EF:02BF 30703:703 Incite v3.1 © Incite Multimedia Order HASP Emulator
3F1D:3D68 16157:15720 Indica Order HASP Emulator
5D81:739A 23937:29594 Inec Order HASP Emulator
4647:2C79 17991:11385 INFIN Бухгалтер v9.0 и Зарплата v?.? Order HASP Emulator
1937:7B9B 6455:31643 InfoSoft Integrator Order HASP Emulator
756B:6D15 30059:27925 Inotec-Buhgalter Order HASP Emulator
1EC3:7DC5 7875:32197 Inscriber Order HASP Emulator
37B9:42CA 14265:17098 Inscriber CGS FX Order HASP Emulator
534D:5786 21325:22406 Inscriber E-Clips v2.5 Order HASP Emulator
0B8D:00FF 2957:255 Inscriber Inca Dump Template Order HASP Emulator
FFFF:FF2C 65535:65324 Inscriber INCA RTX v1.2 Order HASP Emulator
FFFF:FF2C 65535:65324 Inscriber INCA RTX v1.4 Order HASP Emulator
65F5:544C 26101:21580 Inscriber RTX v4.5 Order HASP Emulator
24C7:21F1 9415:8689 Inscriber RTX v5.0 Dump Template Order HASP Emulator
38B1:62F6 14513:25334 Inscriber TitleMotion Pro v5.0 Order HASP Emulator
489F:311B 18591:12571 Inscriber VMP v4.0.1.16 Order HASP Emulator
283A:5E22 10298:24098 Insignt v5.2 © IDL Order HASP Emulator
51BB:4A40 20923:19008 Inspire v1.5 © Scanvec Amiable Order HASP Emulator
FFFF:FF2D 65535:65325 IPAX v5.02 © Icon Systems Order HASP Emulator
Dongles dumps summary: 30

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